4.94K viewsBlood Cancer

My son was diagnosed with limited stage DLBCL (found during adenoidectomy) at age 15. He was on R-CHOP protocol and is now NED for almost 3 years. He has had no radiological testing since completing protocol. Is that appropriate? Also, if he were to relapse, would it likely be the same type in the same place?

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Thank you very much for sharing your concerns about your son with us. That means a lot to us.

Indeed, it is appropriate that he does not receive radiation from Imaging unless there is reason to be suspicious. Having had limited stage disease, he had been treated with the goal to be cured. There is a high chance that he has been cured and as time passes by, the chances of him relapsing decrease. If he were to relapse, it is not necessary that he will have the same exact type at the exact same location but he would have some sort of Non Hodgkins lymphoma. There is also a small chance of secondary cancers.
If you need further help you can discuss your son’s case with one of our oncologists by following this link.

Hope this helps you.

Cheers and keep up the amazing work as his mother

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