4.83K viewsCervical Cancer

My daughter was told she had cervical cancer and she is a single mom of two children with no insurance at this time. Is there a place or someone that can help her. She is terrified and I am so scared that she will give up if we done find her some help. Please help us. Thank you very much

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I am terribly sorry to hear about your daughter. This is heart breaking and unfortunately also very common. Depending on where you live, the state probably has options for you that you can look into. Have you also tried obtaining Insurance with Obamacare?

The two resources below can get you started. You might want to call them today:

American cancer society, phone number 800-227-2345

National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program. phone number: (888) 842-6355.

If you want to get immediate help from an oncologist online for an affordable fee, you can talk to an oncologist online here at Cancerdocs or call us at 844-733-7744.

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