6.51K viewsBreast Cancer

I have had a lumpectomy for a tumor in one breast. I also had lymph nodes removed. The pathology is Stage 1 with no residual cancer in the margins and clear lymph nodes. I am 82 and do not want any further treatment such as radiation or chemotherapy. What are my options? My doctor is recommending radiation but it is a 2 hour drive each way and I am already dealing with chronic fatigue.

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Thank you very much for contacting us with your concerns regarding the treatment options for your breast cancer.

I am sorry to hear about your breast cancer diagnosis but I am glad that it was caught at an early stage. We will need to review your entire history to give you the most accurate advice. It is important for us to know about the pathology report, your general state of health and the hormonal status of your cancer. However, and this is a general description, women in your age group could do without radiation if you are willing to accept a slight increase in the chance of having a recurrence in the same breast of around 3-5%. As for chemotherapy or hormonal therapy, depending on the pathology of your cancer, you could also be a candidate to be monitored without receiving chemotherapy neither. In short, you could be a candidate to be monitored without either radiation or chemotherapy with a slight increase in your chances of having a recurrence.

Sorry again to hear about your diagnosis and I hope this helped. Have a blessed day.
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